We know how important these proof letters are to you. You can go to DoHardMoney Proof of Funds. Just proceed through the process and you can print the letter to submit with your offer.
We have used the same proof of funds for years. Banks, Sellers, Agents and everyone in between has seen our Proof of Funds letter and approved it. Any seller is welcome to call us to confirm that we will provide funding. Every time you get a Proof of Funds letter off the web site it updates or system so we are prepared if a Seller or Bank ever calls us.
Our Proof of Funds Verification
We have not had any problems with our Proof of Funds letter. Very few times do the sellers ever contact us. Every time you request a letter it updates our computer system as to the property address and amounts so if the seller calls us we can find your details even if we have never spoken on the phone. Should the seller call we would tell them as long as the property meets our criteria and percentage we will lend then we will be funding the transaction.
We are concerned about the property and not you as the borrower as long as you don`t have any open bankruptcies or bankruptcies discharged in the last 12 months, open unpaid judgments, open unpaid state and/or federal tax liens or other public records that could affect title. You can get a Proof of Funds letter any time day or night. Just go to our web site and you can download the letter. Every time you request a letter it updates our computer system as to the property address and amounts so if the seller calls us we can find your details even if we have never spoken on the phone. You don`t have to call us until you have a property under contract. Everything we do is on our web site, our loan terms, what we charge, what we will lend on and what we won`t and even getting a Proof of Funds letter. There is no need to contact our office via phone UNTIL you have a property under contract. Even then the first step will be to submit your application online. You can see there is no better hard money lender set up for real estate investors
We know how busy real estate investors are. We have set up our company to be tailored to the needs of real estate investors. You can get a Proof of Funds letter any time day or night. Just go to our web site and you can download the letter. Every time you request a letter it updates our computer system as to the property address and amounts so if the seller calls us we can find your details even if we have never spoken on the phone. You don`t have to call us until you have a property under contract. Everything we do is on our web site, our loan terms, what we charge, what we will lend on and what we won`t and even getting a proof of funds. There is no need to contact our office via phone UNTIL you have a property under contract. Even then the first step will be to submit your application online. You can see there is no better hard money lender set up for real estate investors.
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